Transport & Logistics

Get in Touch

Helping you thrive in a changing sector

Change is the only constant for the logistics sector right now, as customer needs evolve, digitisation and new technologies are reshaping the market, and ESG considerations have come to the fore.

With the UK having the largest growing online retail sector against its western peers, this is putting ever more strain on logistics and transport organisations – accelerating the needs for better technology. Robust, up-to-date networks and infrastructure, allied to increased automation, will be vital, as well as more collaborative operating models and increased cyber security.

Daisy can help you thrive as the sector evolves, driving automation and harnessing agile technologies like hybrid cloud to maximise your ability to scale and flex with demand, while optimising your use of data to operate efficiently.

Our specialist teams can help you to:


Incident Response: Cyber Breach Preparation & Response

10 ways to increase homeworking productivity with Microsoft Teams (Guide)

Achieve true collaboration with Microsoft Teams With many of us now working from home the highly-functional Microsoft...Read more

Five Reasons Hybrid Cloud Might Be Your Best Business Choice [Blog]

What does “cloud-first” really mean and why do most companies never commit fully to the public cloud?...Read more


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blue daisy icon Warehouse Network

  • LAN & WIFI
  • Full coverage
  • Support automation
  • IoT
blue daisy icon Managed Services

  • Support and advice
  • Maximise your investments
blue daisy icon SD-WAN

  • Secure connection
  • Monitored
  • Managed
  • Easily patched
blue daisy icon Modernise Legacy

  • Phone systems
  • Microsoft Teams
  • ISDN/PSTN switch off

daisy logistics diagram

blue daisy icon Digital Training

  • Lack of user adoption in 50% of logistics organisations
blue daisy icon Data Analytics

  • Data capture/analysis
  • Security
  • Data science
blue daisy icon Hybrid Cloud

  • Platform-based models improve flexibility and efficiency
  • Data analysis
  • Standardisation
blue daisy icon IoT

  • Automation
  • Vehicle tracking/route automation
  • Data science
  • Improved efficiency
  • LAN & WIFI
  • Full coverage
  • Support automation
  • IoT
  • Support and advice
  • Maximise your investments
  • Secure connection
  • Monitored
  • Managed
  • Easily patched
  • Phone systems
  • Microsoft Teams
  • ISDN/PSTN switch off
  • Lack of user adoption in 50% of logistics organisations
  • Data capture/analysis
  • Security
  • Data science
  • Platform-based models improve flexibility and efficiency
  • Data analysis
  • Standardisation
  • Automation
  • Vehicle tracking/route automation
  • Data science
  • Improved efficiency