Taking on the Green Challenge This Environmental Awareness Month!

green challenges

green challenge Environmental Awareness Month

This month, our focus is on how small, sustainable changes can make a big impact on our planet. As part of the Green Challenge, we are inviting all colleagues to take a personal pledge to adopt more eco-friendly practices. Every little change counts, and together, they can make a significant difference.

Colleagues are encouraged to pledge to turn off their laptops when not in use, as this can save significant energy. Walking for short journeys instead of driving can reduce carbon emissions and promote better health. Another simple pledge is to bring reusable bags when shopping to reduce plastic waste.

Here are some of the pledges for a greener future that our colleagues will commit to, and that you can adopt as well:
1. Turn Off Your Laptop
• Impact: Leaving your laptop on standby 24/7 for a year uses around 25 kWh. With over 2000 employees, that’s 50,000 kWh annually—enough energy to drive an electric car around the world over eight times!

2. Walk for Short Journeys
• Impact: 60% of 1-2 mile trips in the UK are made by car. Walking 1 mile only takes 15-22 minutes. Choosing to walk instead of drive for short trips reduces carbon emissions and promotes better health.

3. Bring Your Own Bag
• Impact: A plastic bag is used for an average of 12 minutes before being discarded, yet takes 20 years to decompose. Using reusable bags significantly reduces plastic waste.

4. Turn the Washing Machine to 30°C
• Impact: Switching from 60°C to 30°C can save an average of 40% energy per wash. Also, wait until you have a full load to maximise efficiency.

5. Vegan Once a Week
• Impact: Swapping one meal per week to a vegan option can save up to 50kg of CO2 annually. It’s a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint and explore new foods.

6. Eat Seasonal Local Produce
• Impact: Eating seasonal, locally produced fruit and vegetables reduces carbon footprints by over 80% compared to imported produce. Even better, try growing your own!

7. Invest in a Reusable Water Bottle
• Impact: Single-use plastic bottles take around 450 years to decompose. Using a reusable water bottle helps combat one of the biggest environmental challenges we face.

8. Turn Off the Tap When Brushing Your Teeth
• Impact: The average person wastes 12 litres of water every time they brush their teeth. Collectively, we could save nearly six Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of water each year by turning off the tap.

9. Reuse, Recycle, Donate
• Impact: Before throwing anything away, consider if it can be reused, recycled, or donated. Reducing landfill waste is crucial for a healthier planet.

10. Invest in LED Light Bulbs
• Impact: LED bulbs are 90% more efficient and last much longer than CFL or incandescent bulbs, reducing energy consumption and waste.

11. Buy Seeds, Not Cut Flowers
• Impact: Seeds and bulbs produce less CO2 during shipping compared to cut flowers, which will only last a few days. Seeds can grow into beautiful plants that last much longer, offering a sustainable and enduring alternative.

Our team is committed to making at least one of these changes during Environmental Awareness Month. By sharing their pledges, they can inspire others and create a lasting impact on the planet. Every small action adds up to significant change.

For more stories and updates on our sustainability efforts, follow us on LinkedIn.

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