Transport & Logistics

Reduce your environmental footprint

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Like many industries, the transport and logistics sector is looking to reduce its historically negative impact on the natural environment and ensure regulatory compliance. We can help you harness a number of technologies that contribute directly to reducing your carbon footprint, often delivering an “instant ROI”. In addition, we vet all our partner vendors from an ESG perspective, to ensure sustainability is embedded throughout our solution portfolio and supply chain.


Cloud Optimisation

By placing your workloads in the most appropriate location, from on-premises data centres to the public cloud, you can minimise the carbon footprint of your IT operations through reduced power consumption and scope 3 emissions. Combining our partnerships with Microsoft and HPE, using Azure and GreenLake respectively, we can assess your estate and provide flexible, scalable, and elastic services to address your challenges.

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IoT, smart networks and data analytics

Cloud adoption also enables you to monitor (and optimise) a range of environmental factors within your own facilities, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and power usage. How? By connecting to smart sensors embedded into the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Our relationship with leading sensor developers as well as data analytics industry leaders, ensure you have access to the most effective tools to monitor and manage your operations.

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Automation – sustainability

Data analytics and the IoT also enhance sustainability by enabling greater automation. For example, sensors combined with network switch port functions can adjust energy consumption automatically and facilitating the recycling and repurposing of IT hardware can reduce your IT’s overall environmental impact.

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