Fortinet – Fast and Secure

Key takeaways from Joel Cunningham

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Just returned from Fortinet’s Fast and Secure event, where I gained invaluable insights into the future of IT security. Key takeaways include the pivotal roles of SASE for streamlined cloud integration, the flexibility of Security as a Service models, and the critical advantage AI technologies offer in pre-emptive threat detection—all paramount for optimising your digital infrastructure’s resilience and performance. Read on more for details on my key takeaways.


1. SASE’s Strategic Importance

SASE is valuable because it helps reduce costs and consolidate solution sprawl, all without sacrificing security. With SASE, remote, on-site, and hybrid users are all protected by a unified set of security profiles, regardless of location.

As SASE adoption increases with IT teams worldwide, many MSSPs see the benefits for their customers and their services strategies. SASE permits customers to have secure access no matter where their users, workloads, devices, or applications are located. Currently, there are four key drivers of SASE adoption:

  • The convergence of networking and security
  • The shift from the on-premises proxy, as applications are moving to the cloud
  • The growth of the work-from-anywhere (WFA) hybrid workforce
  • The trend toward vendor consolidation for cost-savings and efficiency

Additionally, because threats are constantly growing and evolving, they can proliferate quicker than ever before. Therefore, the only way for organisations to react fast enough is by using one unified, integrated platform that can then be expanded and extended.

2. Flexible Network & Security as a Service

Experience cutting-edge network and security management through our Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs), utilising FortiFlex to deliver highly flexible, scalable, and efficient “as a Service” solutions.

With FortiFlex, we are free from having to pre-plan and pre-size our customers deployment purchases and remove the risk of under sizing or oversizing their solutions. Instead, we can simply charge for what our customers use. We can eliminate excessive procurement cycles and lead times because on consumption rather than go through a procurement process whenever additional solutions and services are needed.

It offers access to a complete suite of virtualised solutions and services for physical FortiGate appliances and can be applied to protect any environment where supported solutions need to be deployed: on-premises, physical and virtual data centres, clouds, hybrid clouds, and hybrid mesh firewall deployments.

3. Technology reimagined – Embrace AI Driven Technologies

Helping customers to prepare for the significant role of AI in networking and security.

AI has become a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has lowered the barrier to entry into cyber crime, enabling would-be criminals to generate malware even when they lack programming skills and providing more sophisticated criminals with capabilities few could have imagined a relatively short time ago. On the other hand, cyber defenders can take advantage of AI for intelligent automation and defence strategies. AI has the potential to level the playing field even against AI-equipped adversaries and the dynamic threats they pose.

In the age of digital transformation, MSSPs must prioritise the comprehensive development of robust security services to capitalise on growth opportunities.  One key area is the convergence of security services with innovative networking for both users and locations.

By strategically aligning our robust IT service offerings with Fortinet’s cutting-edge security solutions, we are uniquely positioned to drive significant business outcomes. The integration of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) into our portfolio exemplifies our forefront approach, enabling streamlined network architecture and fortified security measures. This collaboration not only enhances our service delivery but also stimulates growth and margin improvement, directly translating into enhanced value for our customers. Through this partnership, we are committed to maintaining an ecosystem where superior connectivity and unwavering security are at the core of every solution delivered.