Why Choose Us For Cyber Essentials (CE)?

Cyber Essentials

Whether you aim to distinguish your organisation in a competitive market, cultivate trust among your stakeholders, or simply strengthen network security, Cyber Essentials forms the cornerstone of your journey. It’s not just a single endeavour but a continuous pledge to safeguard against cyber threats.

Our comprehensive approach covers all key security areas, including malware protection, secure configuration, and access control. Additionally, we offer Cyber Essentials PLUS (CE+) for businesses needing more advanced security measures. Our experience spans decades catering to a diverse range of industries, ensuring tailored solutions that meet your specific business needs.

What Makes Us Better?

Our team comprises highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in guiding organisations through the CE and CE+ certification processes. We understand the intricate requirements and provide tailored guidance to meet your specific requirements. With a deep knowledge of the full IT stack, including infrastructure, applications, and data management, we offer end-to-end guidance to ensure your IT environment is secure and compliant with CE standards. We’ll work closely with you to understand your challenges, offering bespoke guidance and support at every step. With a high success rate in helping clients achieve their CE and CE+ certifications, our proven methodologies ensure you meet all standards efficiently and effectively.

Cyber Essentials Workshop

Our CE Workshop ensures you are fully prepared for the CE assessment. We help identify the applicable environment for certification and provide detailed explanations of the questionnaire requirements. We conduct a high-level review of your responses, identifying potential weaknesses and providing prioritised remediation guidance. This proactive approach addresses vulnerabilities and strengthens your submission. Once all responses are agreed upon, we conduct the verification and marking, generate the final report, and award certification providing the necessary criteria has been met.

Continuous Support

Certification is just the beginning. We offer continuous support to ensure you maintain compliance and stay ahead of cyber security threats. Our partnership is designed to evolve with your needs, providing ongoing assessments, updates, and training, whether that’s applying for new certification and standards, consulting, testing, or Managed Detection and Response.

With a proven track record and tailored solutions that address your unique needs, we stand out as the reliable choice to help you navigate the complexities of cyber essentials. But don’t just take our word for it, take a look at how we helped a midsize Public Sector provider secure a competitive edge and protect their network

Talk to one of our specialists.
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0344 863 3000