What You Need to Know to Make Sure Your Penetration Testing is Effective

What You Need to Know to Make Sure Your Penetration Testing is Effective

This blog post is part of a series of cyber incident top tips, you can view them all here.

We all know how important it is to proactively identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in your systems, networks, and applications to safeguard your data from cyber threats. Many organisations recognise this and invest in cyber security penetration testing. In fact, nearly every organisation we’ve assisted with incident response has engaged in some form of cyber security testing. However, despite these efforts, breaches still occur. This raises an intriguing and vital question: What exactly are you testing?

Common Failings in Penetration Testing

While penetration testing is an essential component of any cyber security strategy, common shortcomings can undermine its effectiveness. These include:

1. Incomplete Scope: Sometimes, penetration testing is conducted with a limited scope, excluding certain elements that the IT team deems unimportant or avoids due to known issues. This selective testing can leave critical vulnerabilities unchecked, creating significant security gaps that attackers can, and will exploit.

2. Ignoring Internal Threats: Penetration tests often focus predominantly on external threats, such as attacks from outside the organisation’s network. However, internal threats — whether from malicious insiders or through compromised internal accounts — can be equally, if not more, dangerous. Overlooking these threats can lead to a false sense of security, as an attacker with insider access might bypass external defences entirely. Therefore, your penetration testing should include simulations of insider threats to ensure all potential vulnerabilities are identified and addressed.

3. Delayed remediation: Even when vulnerabilities are identified, timely remediation is not always prioritised. Everyone might agree on the necessary actions, but if these actions remain ‘work in progress’ at the time of a breach, your organisation is vulnerable.

The Tip: Comprehensive and Effective Testing

To truly benefit from penetration testing, it is essential to choose the right provider. A reliable penetration testing partner should have a comprehensive understanding of your entire IT infrastructure. This ensures that no aspect of your environment is overlooked, and every potential vulnerability is identified and addressed.

A good penetration testing provider will:

  • Offer a wide range of testing services to cover all aspects of your security portfolio
  • Have a proven track record of delivering results and employ certified professionals who stay updated with the latest threats and methodologies
  • Deliver reports that clearly outline findings with prioritised actions, making it easier to understand the severity of vulnerabilities and the steps required to address them
  • Ensure that recommended actions are addressed promptly to maintain a strong security posture

If your current provider fails to meet these standards – whether in the thoroughness of their assessments, the clarity of their reporting, or the effectiveness of their remediation support – it may be time to consider rotating them out for a more capable partner.


Effective penetration testing is more than just a checkbox on a compliance form; it’s a critical component of a proactive security strategy. Make sure your testing is thorough, your reports are clear, and your remediation efforts are timely. With the right approach and the right partner, you can significantly reduce your risk of a breach and ensure your organisation remains secure.

Need some help?

Powered by CREST certified experts, our penetration testing services are designed to help you stay ahead of cyber threats while mitigating potential risks before they turn into security breached. We specialise in comprehensive penetration testing services that go beyond the basics.

Our approach ensures:

  • Complete scope coverage: We work with you to identify all critical elements of your IT infrastructure, leaving no stone unturned
  • Clear and actionable reports: Our detailed reports prioritise vulnerabilities based on severity, providing clear explanations and actionable steps
  • Timely remediation support: We don’t just identify issues; we assist you in addressing them promptly to enhance your security posture

For more information on our penetration testing services click here, or reach out to our expert team today.

This blog post is part of a series of cyber incident top tips, you can view them all below:

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