Fusing networks and security to create tomorrow’s digital infrastructure

In the whirl of digital advancement, the line between networking and security has blurred, paving the way for a new approach:

Secure Access Service Edge, or SASE. Imagine SASE as the ultimate multitasker, merging the high-speed avenues of SD-WAN with the watchdogs of the digital world—think firewalls, Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA), and cloud security tools—all in one, cloud-delivered package. This powerhouse ensures that connectivity doesn’t just mean getting online; it means doing so swiftly, securely, and smartly.
SASE diagram

We are championing this integrated approach. Our mantra? Connectivity and security shouldn’t be complicated or mutually exclusive. We’re here to standardise this cutting-edge technology, offering solutions aligned with our customers’ need for simplicity, efficiency, and robust protection – being adaptable isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

Let’s break into what this really means for businesses moving through the clouds and beyond. With SASE, networking and security no longer run on different wavelengths. They’re part of the same conversation, which means deploying and managing a network that’s as secure as it is flexible.

The cherry on top? Surprisingly simple benefits:

  • Lightning-fast, direct access to all the apps and data you need, with no lag in sight.
  • A single, cloud-native platform that manages all your monitoring and security needs—simplifying life for your IT team.
  • Upgraded protection for your on-the-go staff, keeping them safe wherever work takes them.
  • Unmatched control and insights into every SaaS application you use, whether it’s on the radar or flying under it.
  • Real-time, in-depth analytics from every corner of your network to every cloud you touch.
  • A network infrastructure that not only scales with your business but does so smoothly and efficiently.

And for those pondering the complexities of meshing SASE into their existing network, we’ve got your back. As a seasoned Cisco Gold Partner, our troupe of Cisco-certified maestros are ever-ready to tailor a highly reliable, scalable, and ironclad SASE strategy for you. With over two decades of experience to draw on, we’re not just selling a service; we’re offering a transformation.

The fundamental components of our SASE offerings:

Cisco Umbrella SIG with Secure Connect: Offering unparalleled, location-agnostic connectivity that seamlessly links your team and technology, while simultaneously bolstering your defence against security threats through a unified approach. Provide your business with leading cloud security that proactively safeguards your digital landscape, ensuring tailored, comprehensive protection for your vital assets. Build with Cisco Secure Access and Umbrella SIG

Cisco Meraki SD-WAN: Modernise your network with an optimised WAN that guarantees strong performance and reliable connectivity for every user and device across your organisation.

Thousand Eyes: Harness unmatched visibility and performance insights across your network, cloud, and SaaS ecosystems, empowering your enterprise to optimise digital experiences decisively.

So, if you’re keen on a future where connectivity and security walk hand in hand, let’s get the conversation started. With us, you’re not just adopting SASE; you’re embracing a secure, integrated, and incredibly agile digital infrastructure. Think of setting up your new digital base with us as putting together your favourite puzzle; you don’t need all the pieces right off the bat. We build your dream setup step by step, together, ensuring each piece fits perfectly over time to create a seamless, unified platform.

Welcome to the forefront of networking and security—welcome to your new digital baseline.

Talk to one of our specialists.
Call us on
0344 863 3000