One Surface for any workload

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One Surface for any workload

Microsoft Surface logo

Modern work comes in all shapes and sizes. That’s why the modern workplace starts with Microsoft Surface for Business.
Built for hybrid and on-the-go working, Surface for Business offers a range of Microsoft Surface devices with enhanced security, portability, and easy manageability.

Why One Surface?

Businesses worldwide have adapted to rapid shifts in work culture. To support a modern, versatile workforce, your people need a device that can flex around their needs. Microsoft Surface gives your people the freedom to work their way, from anywhere in the world.

Surface devices are lightweight, for maximum portability, whilst offering unique features for flexible workers. Security and manageability are enterprise-grade and built-in. It’s one device, for any kind of workload.

Why one Surface device?

Device consolidation isn’t something new. The smartphone is the prime example. Before smartphones, people might travel with up to ten electronic devices: a digital watch, a digital camera, a GPS device, an MP3 player, a mobile phone, a calculator, a flashlight, a digital alarm clock, a personal digital assistant and a credit card.
Now, all of these exist in one device. An everyday traveller, setting off abroad, only needs to slip a smartphone into their jeans pocket. With it, they can place calls, pay for things, take pictures, listen to music, check the time, and navigate almost anywhere in the world. Device proliferation gave way to one multi-functional smartphone – and it’s been a market leader since.


Surface makes deployment simple

Modern deployment

Zero touch deployment makes it easy to get the benefits of Surface from day one.

Traditionally, deployments were a manual and time-consuming process. With the Surface Modern Deployment Program, zero touch deployment is a simple, modern deployment solution built to free up your IT teams.

Empower your employees to work productively and collaborate on the go as soon as they get their devices. Powered by Microsoft 365, devices can be deployed simply and easily through a zero-touch experience using the Microsoft Cloud.

Benefit from enhanced collaboration, mobility and productivity – your users can get started right away.

Find out how zero-touch deployment of Microsoft Surface enhances user experience – contact us today!

Surface: as versatile as you need

The modern workforce is currently dependent on too many devices. Some of these are too cumbersome for a modern, on-the-go employee. Others are of substandard quality or don’t have all features needed for a job, causing employees to switch between devices.

The average worker uses 2.3 or more devices, typically switching between them for different types of work. Sounds exhausting? Studies show that it is. More than 80% of HR staff believe that hybrid and on-the-go work is tiring for employees, with a lack of consistency cited as a key reason.

Device proliferation forms a big part of this, with employees having to plan which devices they need on any given day. Forgetting a device or bringing the wrong one can derail a day of work and increase stress.
Microsoft Surface

Vulnerabilities in security

Devices like Microsoft Surface solve the challenges modern employees face day-to-day.

Take the Microsoft Surface Pro, which marries the power of a laptop with the flexibility and mobility of a tablet, making it easy to carry for remote purposes but still enabling a fast, streamlined performance.

With Microsoft 365 fully integrated, Microsoft Teams Calling Plans are an option, and with 4G or 5G device options available, calls can be made anywhere at any time.

Microsoft Surface Pro 9

IT efficiency

For IT, Surface streamlines everything. Faster deployment, with 27% less waiting time for a device. Less time lost to security incidents. Less time lost to the IT helpdesk. Faster bootup speed.

Why? Because Surface has:
• Enterprise-grade, chip-to-cloud security (robust across the life cycle of devices)
• Windows Autopilot for automatic deployment and minimal infrastructure management
• Secure hardware and build
• Premium, world-class performance

Microsoft Surface Laptop

total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

See how investing in Microsoft Surface and Microsoft 365 can help you save by simplifying your IT operations, reducing security risks and increasing employee productivity over 3 years.

The tool provides an estimated total cost of ownership based on the study “Evaluating the Business Case of Microsoft Surface” provided by IDC, commissioned by Microsoft in 2022, based on responses from IT decision-makers in the United Kingdom, Australia/New Zealand, India, Germany, and the United States.

Call 0344 863 3000 today or use the form and we’ll be in touch.

Microsoft Surface Total Cost of Ownership report

Please can I have a Surface TCO report, tailored to my specific requirements?

IDC conducted extensive research of more than 800 organisations using Microsoft Surface and other PC devices, to understand the business case for organisations of providing their employees with Microsoft Surface devices. IDCʼs research demonstrates a broad-based value proposition for investment in Microsoft Surface devices enabled with Microsoft 365 through value realised in lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), inclusive of direct savings, IT staff time savings, and employee productivity gains.

You will receive your free, no obligation, business case report instantly!

Savings and benefits

Surface and Microsoft 365 help IT find new time and cost savings that make the space for you and your teams to accomplish what matters.

Direct Savings

increased residual value

savings on hybrid meeting accessories

lower costs for 3rd party support and security

IT Efficiency

fewer helpdesk incidents

of organisations consolidated 2.3 devices on average per Surface

less staff time for ongoing maintenance

Employee Experience

less time spent on security incidents

faster boot time, with 21% fewer reboots

reduction in wait times for deployment

Microsoft Surface logo

Daisy is a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure (Azure), Modern Work and Data and AI (Azure).  Take advantage of our hardware experience, scale, and accreditations. Contact us to match the ideal Microsoft Surface product to your specific requirements.