Transport & Logistics

Streamline and automate key processes

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Many transport and logistics organisations are struggling with staff shortages, from drivers to warehouse staff, affecting your day-to-day operations in terms of both efficiency and effectiveness – this is driving a greater requirement for automation. Our expert team can help you harness data technology to streamline processes through automation, enhance visibility of key metrics and improve overall efficiency.


Cloud storage and analytics

The strategic use of public cloud can provide cost-effective, high-volume data storage and, when coupled with native data processing and analytics tailored to your organisation’s needs, we can help manage cost and improve your visibility of key statistics to make effective decisions in real time.

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Smart connectivity for vehicle tracking

Harnessing the power of 4G and 5G networks and multi-network SIMs to allow you to enable real-time, on-board vehicle tracking, we can help deliver the data you need to optimise route planning, fuel consumption, staffing levels and profitability.

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Data science applications

By deploying smart sensor technology throughout your installations, you can accumulate vital data on current staff behaviours and usage patterns. This data can be aggregated, interrogated, and modelled to offer actionable insights that optimise staff deployment and the management of your vehicle fleet (routing, loading, fuel use, carbon emissions etc.).

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