HSCN Network

A new network for an improved Health and Social Care Service

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Migrating from N3 to HSCN

The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) is a new data network for health and care organisations. Replacing N3, it provides the underlying network arrangements to help integrate and transform health and social care services by enabling them to access and share information more reliably, flexibly and efficiently.

Health and care providers will be able to obtain network connectivity from multiple suppliers in a competitive marketplace and in collaboration with other health and social care organisations. Daisy is one of those suppliers. It is expected that the marketplace will extend to the private sector, and to services such as opticians, pharmacies and even to other public sector services such as ambulances, the police and even as far as education.

Daisy can help with your migration plan to HSCN

Perfectly placed to get you HSCN-ready, Daisy is the only organisation awarded all 13 lots on the RM3808 Network Services 2 as well as a specialist Health Framework and RM3825 the HSCN DPS. We have already worked with 31 CCGs as well as 90 hospitals and Health Trusts throughout the UK. Our experience of the health and social care environment and engagement with NHS Digital, local government and a broad spectrum of end users translates into a secure and efficient service provider that can be trusted to help you.

  • Nationwide independent aggregator of services
  • Compliant with NHS requirements
  • Strong history in the health sector
  • Other complementary service offerings such as telephony, WiFi, security, networking and mobility
  • End-to-end capability with the scale to support large, hybrid solutions with ease and simplicity
  • UK-wide network of certified, multi-disciplined field engineers that will assist you every step of the way
  • Daisy holds the highest level accreditations with the world’s most trusted WiFi vendors

An Agile Approach

We can offer an agile approach, allowing you to work with us collaboratively to achieve the right HSCN results for you. To further support your business, we provide a range of additional services including;
  • Network Security
  • UC&C
  • LAN
  • Connectivity
  • WiFi
  • Migrate Your

To find out more download our datasheet today

Download Datasheet
Email us at enquiry@daisyuk.tech to discover how our blended portfolio of products can help you find a new, innovative way to bring people closer to public services.
