Cloud Connectivity

Secure, fast, and reliable connections to public cloud

Get in Touch

In a hybrid world, ensuring seamless connectivity between your business, your users, and Cloud Service Providers (CSP) can be challenging. Many organisations are increasingly considering public cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, and having fast, reliable, and secure access to these services is a fundamental requirement without compromising your existing systems. Using cloud-based services over a private network gives a superior experience to using the public Internet: fewer delays, faster processing, and greater reliability.


Enhanced security – You get higher security than connections that run over the Internet with the traffic routed across our private network for assurance that your mission-critical traffic is safe.

Better resilience – Our services provide a high degree of resilience with several enhanced configuration options for disaster recovery and high availability.

Faster performance – We have one of the lowest-latency networks in Europe and Asia, so your data is routed over the lowest-latency paths to the cloud.

Predictable experience – You experience a consistent performance from your apps by making your traffic independent of the Internet.

Peace of mind – Connectivity is delivered by a reliable and trusted supplier.


Whether you’re ‘on-net’ with Daisy as a WAN customer or via our data centre or business continuity infrastructure, our specialist network team works with you to capture your exact requirements for cloud connectivity – including what type and size of connectivity is required to the CSP. Our team reviews existing WAN, MLPS connectivity, and Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) to ensure these meet the additional bandwidth and throughput requirements.

If you’re not a Daisy network customer, we can bring you into our network for end-to-end expertise from data centre to device across LAN, WAN, WiFi and Mobile. We aggregate all major UK carriers on our network, connecting you with the provider that can deliver the best service locally for quality and speed – and it’s all wrapped in amazing service.


Working with the best to deliver the best
