BT Wholesale

BT is a key strategic partner to Daisy and their extensive portfolio provides the backbone for a large number of core Daisy services

BT and Daisy have a relationship dating back to the very beginning of Daisy. More recently, Daisy has entered into a strategic partnership with BT giving Daisy and its customers access to BT’s hosted Centrex platform to launch a market-leading VoIP proposition called Hosted Voice Select (HV.Select). BT provides the capability and infrastructure for the majority of Daisy services, including voice telephony (PSTN, ISDN, VoIP) and connectivity including Ethernet and ADS and Fibre Broadband. These services are managed and delivered via both BT Wholesale and Openreach and are consumed by our customers in a myriad of ways. Our excellent strategic relationship with BT Wholesale enables us to deliver market-leading propositions and solutions to our customers. BT also consumes Daisy’s maintenance services via our Partner Services division.

Our solutions that use BT Wholesale technology

Connectivity Connectivity

Wired or wireless, Broadband, LAN or WAN – secure, reliable connectivity for devices and users.

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Unified Communications Unified Communications
Unified Communications

Enable your people to work and collaborate easily, in real time – wherever they are, on any device.

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Strategic Partner

Let Daisy show you what BT Wholesale technology can do for you.
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0344 863 3000