Partnership For The Future

Matching customer vision with the best-fit technology

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Daisy and Greene King Collaborate to create the Pub Network of the Future

Daisy is delighted to announce an exciting partnership with Greene King, the UK’s leading pub retailer and brewer, to deliver WAN, LAN, WiFi and voice solutions, with a fully managed service across more than 1,600 Greene King sites, enabling its vision to create the ‘pub network of the future’.

We have helped Greene King deliver a transformative project that was all about providing an industry-leading guest experience and based on feedback from Greene King’s customers and staff it’s already a huge success.

Greene King’s vision was to create the ‘pub network of the future’ and we achieved this by delivering a complete refresh of their estate-wide connectivity, a state-of-the-art SD-WAN, a fully digital unified communications solution, and, most importantly, a LAN and WiFi transformation. This amounted to a more streamlined user experience that allows Greene King to gain a greater understanding of their customer wants and buying patterns.

The project included more than 1,600 of their sites, unifying the independent brands within the group with a quality foundation that still allows them to maintain their individuality.

You might be thinking that this level of transformation takes time – and you’re right, it does. But, with careful planning and efficient partners, within six months we were able to:

  • Complete 1,047 pub WiFi surveys
  • Carry out 716 installation surveys
  • Install full cabling in 478 pubs
  • Deliver upgraded connectivity at 658 pubs, broken down as:
    • 428 SOGEAs
    • 187 ethernets
    • 43 FTTPs
Already, guest WiFi download speed has more than doubled, from 32 Mb/s to 70 Mb/s and marketing opt-ins have more than tripled from 20% to 72%. What this means to Greene King is that the project has resulted in happy, engaged customers who want to come back.
Greene king
If you are interested in how we can help you with your IT end-to-end services then please fill out the contact form and one of our specialists will be in contact very soon.